Tips for a Safe and Successful Summer in Construction

Construction machinery

The summer can be a fantastic time of year for working on construction sites, particularly in Britain. However, there are things you need to be aware of as the days get longer and the temperatures start to soar.

Although keeping the workforce safe during this time of year is a priority, there are also factors to take into account with the plant machinery too. In this blog post we will be giving you some of our top times for having a safe and successful summer season outside.

Look After Your Construction Machinery

On a busy site it is common for plant machinery to be working for long periods of time. However, when the sun is beating down it isn’t just the workforce who will be getting under the collar. Plant machinery, which can get hot anyway, will be at a higher risk of overheating.

To avoid issues with your machinery in the hot summer, make sure that you are keeping a close eye on the temperature gauges to make sure that they don’t get too hot. The last thing you want is for a machine to stop working. Maybe even consider using the machines in shorter time batches, switching between machines to allow for cooling periods.

Throw Shade on Your Workforce – In a Good Way Though

There are many health issues that working in the sunshine can bring with it, including heat stroke and heat exhaustion. The heat, even in Britain, should not be underestimated. Heat fatigue is a real problem and one that can be combated on the site.

Shade is absolutely essential. If you are working on an open work site, make sure you have put up some sort of structure that can provide shade to your team on breaks. The sun can be very draining, very quickly. Shade for an outdoors workforce is an absolute must. Making sure your team has regular periods where they can escape the punishing weather will be greatly appreciated and it will help keep the team motivated and strong. It is better for the team and it helps make the team more productive and efficient.

Provide Hydration and Regular Drink Breaks

Keeping your team hydrated on a construction site is vital in the summer months. The body will naturally lose more fluids while working outside in the sun. This in turn can cause more serious problems for workers if the fluids aren’t replaced throughout the day. Cramping, fatigue and overheating are all serious issues.

By providing water, you are ensuring that you are taking the health of your construction team seriously and that you have the work continuing as efficiently as possible. Maybe provide your team with water bottles, or make use of a water bowser so the team is able to fill up reusable water bottles themselves. 

You should also enforce regular water breaks to give the team respite from the heat and allow them to re-energise.

Use Longer Days Wisely

One of the bonuses about the summertime is the longer daylight hours. If used correctly, you can not only improve the efficiency of the construction site, you can also save your business money.

With the early mornings being warmer and lighter than in the winter, summertime may be a good time to use the early light to get more done during the day. You can also stagger shift patterns to allow for more work to be carried out in the evening. If you do this, then there may be less need for such a big night time force and the extra costs that go with paying for unsociable hours. The workforce, too, will more than likely prefer to get the work done in daylight. Everyone comes out as a winner.

Staying hydrated on a construction site

The International Plant Sales Guarantee

Our machines come complete with a warranty, giving our buyers complete peace of mind. IPS machines have only had one previous owner, either H.E. SERVICES (Plant Hire) Ltd or Diggerland. As such, they all come complete with a manufacturer’s service history. IPS machines also come with very low hours on the clock. 

You are more than welcome to visit the IPS machines in person. Our friendly sales team will be more than happy to show you around. However, if you would prefer specifications, images and videos to be sent to you, please contact us today.

These tips may seem like common sense, but they are so important. Following what we have said you will help ensure that you have a healthy and happy workforce, an armoury of machines that can be used efficiently, and you can save yourself money with smarter shift scheduling.

We want you to have a safe and successful summer out there on the construction sites.



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