Existing Diesel Legislation Abolished for Construction Machinery On Sites

Red Diesel in Construction Machinery

Following on from an increase in living prices, and diesel costs skyrocketing, new diesel legislation has been introduced, directly affecting the construction industry. For anyone that uses red diesel in construction machinery, then pay attention, because this affects you!


The government has announced new upcoming changes to the current diesel legislation, which will come into effect from 1st April 2022. Anyone currently using rebated red diesel will no longer be permitted to use it on construction sites in the UK. The only legal usage will be within agriculture, horticulture, fish farming, forestry, rail projects and also on golf courses.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced the upcoming changes during Budget 2020. The aim was to reduce the amount of businesses using polluting fuels, and paying for the standard rate of diesel instead.  

Unfortunately this will mean paying more to power your construction machinery. However, the new legislation has been put in place to meet the government’s net zero plans, and tackle climate change.


Red diesel also known as Gas Oil contains a red marker dye, which is where it gets its name. The dye helps differentiate it as rebated fuel, and is easily identifiable if the wrong fuel is used. It is primarily used for most off road transport, including:

  • Tractors
  • Diggers
  • Marine Vessels
  • Stationary engines

99% of UK construction sites are actively using red diesel, and will have to swap to white diesel instead. 

It can however still be used after 1st April 2022 if it is already in the tank prior to this date. Nonetheless, machines should only be refilled with white diesel. So what’s the difference we hear you ask?


One of the main differences between red and white diesel is the fuel duty rate. So many individuals use red diesel due to its fuel duty rate of 11.14 pence per litre. Whereas white diesel only costs 57.95 pence per litre. 

The only other difference is the colour. The red dye is added to the rebated fuel to stop anyone trying to use red diesel to fill up their cars. As any driver would know it is illegal to fill up a conventional car with the rebated fuel, so the dye will catch you out! It is only legal for off-road machines as mentioned above to use red diesel up until 1st April 2022. 


Here at International Plant Sales, we have a huge range of used plant equipment, including excavators, dumpers and telehandlers for sale. View all of our construction machinery for sale here. When you buy any of our used plant equipment from International Plant Sales you will benefit from:

Low hours

All of our used plant equipment was originally for either Diggerland or H.E. SERVICES (Plant Hire) Ltd. Meaning that they are sold with only one previous owner. They are then replaced after 3 years to ensure the best up to date machines are available. Therefore, also guaranteeing machines with low hours.


All of our machines include a warranty on all major parts and components. All of our customers will have peace of mind knowing that should anything happen, then you will be able to contact us. We very rarely have anything go wrong with any of our construction machinery, however the option is there should you need it.

Worldwide shipping

Our aim is to sell used plant equipment to the global market. Whether you are based in the UK or overseas we can provide you with a quote for worldwide shipping. Leave the shipping to us and sit back and wait for your machines to be delivered. We have recently shipped machines to Poland, France, Romania and even Barbados!

If you’re looking to buy a digger, or any other type of construction machinery, don’t forget that we also sell machines on Autotrader


Speak to the International Plant Sales team today if you’re looking to invest in any quality used construction machinery. We would be happy to assist if you’re looking for a specific type or size of machine. Our highly experienced team welcomes customers to visit our head office to view the machines if they are local. Alternatively we can offer virtual tours, and send over extra photos and videos if required.

We understand that it will become increasingly more expensive to operate your construction machinery, which is why we sell our machines for competitive prices!

Call the team on: 01634 779123 or email us at mail@ipsplant.com. We look forward to hearing from you!


Information correct as of 09/03/22

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