From Monday 19th July, all remaining covid-19 restrictions were lifted in England. For companies that were operating with reduced capacity, and those that haven’t been able to open for the last 18 months, can now finally welcome back their customers. Here at International Plant Sales, we have been lucky enough to be back in operation since the first lockdown was lifted in 2020.
So how will the new government guidelines change the way we operate here at International Plant Sales?
As of 19th July, the government has announced that face masks/coverings are not mandatory. However, if attending a large event, or enclosed, packed space, then the government would advise individuals to take precaution.
The original social distancing rule of 2m, is now also no more. Everyone is urged to be cautious around strangers.
Despite freedom day being upon us, the health and safety of our customers and staff is still of the utmost importance to us. We have relaxed the majority of our guidelines. However we are still keen to keep some restrictions in place until further notice.
Face coverings
Although face coverings are now not a legal requirement, we are still enforcing customers and staff to wear one when entering the building and in the office. Once outside in our yard, face coverings can be removed and social distancing must be adhered to.
Hand Sanitising
Upon arriving at reception, we will have hand sanitising stations available. If you would like to inspect the diggers and see them in operation, any International Plant Sales machinery will be wiped down including all main touch points.
Covid symptoms
We are welcoming back customers, and allowing appointments to be made. If you would like to visit us to view our machinery for sale, we strongly advise rescheduling your appointment if you present any covid symptoms.
We can also offer virtual tours if you’re isolating, or you’re not local to our Head Office.
Track and Trace
It isn’t a requirement to check in on the NHS Track and Trace app but we would recommend it. To reduce the spread of the virus, and keep businesses operating, it’s important that we all do our part to stay safe.
Contact the International Plant Sales team
Our sales team is on hand to assist you should you have any questions, or looking to book an appointment. Just give us a call on 01634 779 123 or drop us an email at You can also contact us via WhatsApp, here.
Information correct as of 22/07/21