Why should you choose buying construction machinery over hiring?

buying construction machinery

Being able to carry out any form of construction work depends on the plant machinery available to you. Projects that take place on a large scale require various different types of equipment. This includes dumpers, rollers, telehandlers and large excavators. Smaller projects may only require a reduced amount of these machines. 

Whatever the scale of the project, there are two options to help you complete the task at hand – buying construction machinery or hiring it. 

Advantages of buying construction machinery

The benefits of buying construction machinery means that you have it to hand. The last thing you need to do is wait for the machinery to arrive from a hire company. Hire companies also have other clients and therefore they may not have a particular machine available, when you need it. This is where buying machinery is a great advantage.

Downside of buying construction machinery

There are of course pros and cons to everything. When buying construction machinery, you need to have somewhere to store it. 

Another problem can be the maintenance of the machinery. If the machine breaks down, you have to send the machine in for repair. This can lead to project delays as well. Let’s face it, machines usually break down when you need them most.

Advantages of hiring over buying construction machinery

Looking at the downsides to buying a machine, you can easily see why hiring could be a better option for you. Hiring a machine puts the onus on the rental company, to ensure the machine is in good working condition. 

Of course any plant machinery from a hire company can also breakdown, however they usually have mobile plant fitters who can attend the site relatively quickly. 

In addition, the hire company may reimburse you for time lost whilst hiring their machine, if it is their fault the machine broke down. They may also swap over the machine for you, if they have a spare available. 

The Verdict

Buying construction machinery or hiring it has its ups and downs. If you purchase a well looked after and maintained machine, there should be no issue with buying. If you know of or have your own good plant fitter to ensure further good maintenance of the machine, you should have no problem when it comes to buying. All providing you have the land to store the machine. As well as the transport available to get your machine to site.

used construction machinery - auction vs dealer

To Summarise

  • When you buy, you can use the machine whenever you need it
  • You pay a premium when hiring plant as the hire company is covering the cost of the maintenance
  • You will need your own plant fitter to hand when owning your own machine
  • A hire company will ensure the machine is in good working order
  • Constantly hiring plant machinery can quickly add up so look at whether it is more cost effective to buy over hiring

To Summarise

At International Plant Sales, we have a wide range of plant machinery available to purchase. 

You will have peace of mind when buying plant from International Plant Sales as we ensure: 


If customers want to buy a Hydrema and other used construction machinery from us, they will benefit from warranty on all major parts. The warranty will begin from the date that the machine is collected or delivered.

International Delivery

Here at International Plant Sales, we aren’t just limited to selling to buyers in the UK. We can give an additional quote for international delivery, if it is required. We work with reputable and trusted shipping companies to ensure your machines arrives in great condition.

Excellent Condition

Our skilled staff at International Plant Sales will check the machine in detail when it is handed over from either H. E. Services or Diggerland. From here, any dents, scratches and broken parts detected on the diggers will be repaired, to ensure all of the machinery is in excellent condition when it is sold. 

We are happy to provide customers with additional photos, videos or specifications for our used plant equipment.

Give us a call on: +44 (01634 779123 or email us!

All information correct as of: 21st July 2020. 

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